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mortgage servicing中文是什么意思

用"mortgage servicing"造句"mortgage servicing"怎么读"mortgage servicing" in a sentence


  • 抵押贷款服务


  • Hung kai finance established to offer a one - stop mortgage service
  • " the government has three policies to cool the market down , " said the head of a mortgage service company
    一家抵押贷款公司的主管说: “政府为市场降温有3项政策。 ”
  • “ even though some of the properties may end up with low rental yields , that ' s fine as long as investors sustain the daily cost of the property , ” like management fees and mortgage servicing , mr
  • This paper includes four parts : firstly , the author outlines residential mortgages and its credit risk , then analyzes the reasons of credit risk and the factors which produce credit risk in residential mortgages services of commercial banks
    因此,对我国商业银行而言,个人住房贷款业务的风险管理不容忽视。本文探讨的主要对象是商业银行个人住房贷款业务中最经常出现的、也是最难以处理的一种风险? ?信用风险。
  • So far the company has focused on the areas of office services and research , including single - handedly engineered , live agents , the secondary recommendation , property rental and mortgage / mortgage services , and business areas throughout the various regions of guangzhou city
  • Hong kong , october 12 , 2004 - icbc asia announces a team - up with icbc shenzhen branch in the introduction of a proprietary mortgage service - " mortgage plus " auto - remittance for mainland mortgage payment " , to enable hong kong customers to conveniently manage the payment for their shenzhen property
用"mortgage servicing"造句  


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